Below is a complete list of our clients and projects.
To view only Web-Design projects click here.
To view only Print-Design projects click here.
Some recently completed projects include (December 2009-May 2010):
- Website and Design projects for the District of Vanderhoof
- Coffee-table Book for the College of New Caledonia
- Website for the Hobson History Museum
Click on the thumbnails for details.
Fort St. James National Historic Site
Print Design

Vanderhoof Chamber of Commerce
Print Design, Web Design

District of Vanderhoof
Print Design

Polar Medical Services
Web Design, Print Design

P&H Supplies - FreFlyt
Web Design

R. Borek Homes Ltd.
Print Design, Web Design

Nechako Valley Food Network
Print Design, Web Design

Advanced Millwright Services
Web Design

Vanderhoof Fish and Game Club
Print Design

Alcan Primary Metal
Print Design

Rio Tinto Alcan
Print Design

Nechako Watershed Council
Print Design

Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program
Print Design

Avison Management Services
Print Design

Omineca Medical Clinic
Print Design

Kinette Club of Vanderhoof
Print Design

Reel Alternatives
Print Design, Web Design

Nechako Valley Exhibition Society
Print Design, Web Design

Roberge Replicas in Wood
Print Design, Web Design

Wallace Studios
Print Design

Clarke Action Photography
Print Design

Vindsdalur Icelandic Horse Farm
Web Design

JE Forestry
Web Design

Tweedsmuir Recreation Commission
Print Design

Dakshina Body Works
Print Design

Nechako Valley Arts Council
Print Design

Heather Ferris
Print Design

Lise Roberge
Print Design

Portable Sawmill
Print Design